EURACAN is a patient-centred European network working to tackle rare adult solid cancers and their conditions, which require highly specialised care and concentrated knowledge. This results in better chances for patients to receive an accurate diagnosis and advice on the best treatment for their specific disease.

Ask for a second opinion
Directive 2011/24/EU on patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare sets out the conditions under which a patient may travel to another EU country to receive medical care and reimbursement. It covers healthcare costs, as well as the prescription and delivery of medications and medical devices. With health policies and systems increasingly interconnected, the Directive makes it easier to access:
• Information on available healthcare in other European countries.
• Alternative healthcare options, and/or specialised treatment abroad.
European Patient Advocacy Groups (ePAGs)
Patient advocates associated with EURACAN represent the European Patient Advocacy Group (ePAG) for rare solid cancers in adults.They work closely with EURACAN physicians and the coordination team to provide information and perspectives on patients’ needs and expectations. The ePAG advocates are coordinated by EURORDIS (Rare Diseases Europe).
Find out more about rare adult solid cancers
Rare cancer of the connective tissues (sarcoma)
Sarcoma can arise anywhere in the human body, limbs and limb-girdles being the most common primary sites, but all other sites can potentially be affected, including viscera.
Rare cancer of the female genital organs and placenta
These tumours can be divided into three groups: gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD), rare ovarian tumours and all other rare gynaecological cancers arising in the uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva.
Rare cancer of the male genital organs and of the urinary tract
Testicular cancers are rare but they are the most common solid malignancy in men aged between 20 and 40.
Rare cancer of the neuroendocrine system
Neuroendocrine tumours can arise from any organ of the body but most commonly the small bowel, pancreas and lung.
Rare cancer of digestive tract
Rare digestive tract cancers gather a heterogeneous group of malignancies which include primary peritoneal malignancies, biliary tract cancer and anal cancers.
Rare endocrine cancer
Rare thyroid cancers are mainly classified as differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC), anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) and medullary thyroid cancer (MTC).
Rare head and neck cancer
Rare head and neck cancers include tumors originating from four different subsites: nasopharyngeal cancer, nasal and paranasal sinus cancers, salivary gland cancers and middle ear epithelial cancers.
Rare thoracic cancer
Rare thoracic tumors correspond to more than 100 different histological, clinical, radiological, and prognostic entities.
Rare skin cancer and uveal melanoma
Rare skin cancers consist of skin sarcomas, Kaposi sarcoma, Merkel cell carcinomas and adnexal tumours.
Rare cancer of the brain and of the spinal cord
Primary brain tumours are often diffuse glial tumours including astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas from grades II to IV. Other types of rare brain tumours can be merged into a number of clinically relevant groups.

Explore clinical trials
A dedicated European website provides information on individual clinical trials in the EU and European Economic Area since its launch on 31 January 2022.
Information on individual clinical trials initiated in the European Union and the European Economic Area before 31 January 2022 can be found in the European Union Clinical Trials Register.
Наші члени, медичні працівники, які мають досвід в управлінні рідкісними онкологічними захворюваннями, особливо ті, що знаходяться в країнах, які зараз приймають велику кількість біженців, готові допомогти українським пацієнтам з рідкісними онкологічними захворюваннями.
Our members, healthcare providers with expertise in the management of rare cancers, particularly those located in the countries currently receiving large numbers of refugees, are ready to help Ukrainian patients with rare cancers.